
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

– Seneca the Younger

Humans strive for understanding the world by seeking explanations to the varied natural phenomena happening around them, and accumulating the resulting knowledge in models that can be used to predict and shape the future reality. The scientific method provides a formal framework for carrying out these investigations and checking the validity of the current description of our environment. Recorded experiences of assumed known origin, also known as data, have a central role in updating these explicative theories, because they can provide quantitative or qualitative support to some candidate explanations over others.

Direct sensory perception and personal information processing have a limited investigative reach and are easily affected by subjective conditions. Well understood and calibrated measurement instruments can be used instead for data acquisition, in controlled settings referred to as scientific experiments, so that quantifiability and precision are enhanced. The same applies to theoretical modelling and experimental data analysis, where robust mathematical and computational procedures empower researchers to construct more accurate descriptions of the world we live in. These establish a strong coupling between technology and science, by which technical and conceptual innovations allow the development of better tools, which in turn lead to more scientific knowledge.

The universe is filled with an abundance of interesting phenomena occurring at very different time and space scales, so curious observers might face a difficult choice when deciding what to focus their scientific attention on. Nevertheless, there seems to be a complexity hierarchy whereby larger physical systems are composed by simpler parts, and the properties of the former can be explained by means of those of the latter. Hence, a worthy path of exploration can start with the study of the most fundamental components of nature and their dynamics. At our current level of understanding, we can reason this would be a quest motivated solely by curiosity, pushed by our desire of making sense of the structure of reality, and not a pragmatic proxy for the development of technological applications. That will be our motivation to delve into experimental particle physics, a discipline dealing with the practical study of the most elementary constituents of matter and their interactions.

The elementary quality of the chosen subject of study does not imply that the journey towards valuable scientific knowledge in this area will be a simple one. On the contrary, as the following chapters will make evident, this undertaking poses grand technical and non-technical challenges which in many cases require novel solutions. Furthermore, the problems at hand are often closely related with those present in other research or technological fields, so their findings and innovations can be repurposed. Oftentimes this can even be a bidirectional relation, where the obstacles are challenging or original enough that solutions have to go beyond the state of the art in the relevant applied domain. In general, the pursuance of fundamental explanations does require solutions to a multitude of practical problems.

Advances and expertise from other disciplines can accelerate significantly the rate of progress in a fundamental research domain such as experimental particle physics. This is specially relevant in areas such as data analysis, where the infrastructure changes required in evolving environments are low. Yet, some barriers exist against the proliferation of interdisciplinarity, such as field specific language (also known as jargon) and seemingly unclear problem descriptions for collaborators with different backgrounds. This document, in addition to presenting the main research results of the projects I have been involved in the recent past, will attempt to reduce this communication gap by trying to clearly state the main data analysis challenges we face in experimental particle physics in a way they can be linked to other data-centric disciplines such as statistics and machine learning.

The general methodology considered in this work consists on breaking the main research goals in a series of applied problems, express them in a domain-generic way, and understand what is their role in view of the final aim. When possible, the presented concepts and methods will be illustrated with simple use cases when these can help understanding their working principles. The mentioned perspective shift combined with the use of practical but minimal examples has been really useful to identify possible shortcomings on the way data analysis is carried out at the LHC, as well as to develop new techniques capable of addressing them. Nevertheless, we believe that the projects mentioned and presented here are nothing but the first step of what is possible; and the evolution of data analysis techniques and tools could be a promising route for the advancement of our understanding of the basic building blocks of the universe.

This thesis is organised as follows. Chapter 1 provides an overview of our current comprehension of the properties and interactions of the fundamental constituents of nature, followed by a summary of the limitations of our understanding together with the main proposed testable alternative explanations. The links between the mathematical description of our universe and the computation of experimental observables will be highlighted when describing the theoretical foundations.

The focus shifts in Chapter 2 towards how these theories can be experimentally validated through scientific experiments. In particular, the discussion revolves around how the design and characteristics of general purpose experiments at high-energy colliders are relevant for the attainment of valuable data that yields new insights on the fundamental properties of the cosmos. The Compact Muon Experiment (CMS) detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) serves as the default example of such an instrument, because it is the scientific experiment that provided the academic context during my graduate (and late undergraduate) years and the main driver of some of the projects included in this report. Experimental modelling and simulation will be emphasised in this chapter, due to their importance when extracting knowledge from the acquired data.

Indeed, the problem of obtaining useful information from data is so involved in modern scientific experiments that a standalone chapter will be centered on statistical inference concepts and techniques. Inference is the ultimate goal of particle physics experiments, providing a key connection between theory and experiment. In Chapter 3 we review the problem at hand in particle colliders form a formal statistical perspective as well list the main approaches for making quantitative statements based on data and their shortcomings. Two domain-specific aspects of data analysis in high energy physics will be remarked: the generative-only characteristic of accurate experimental models and the challenges of dealing with known unknowns we are not interested in, commonly referred as nuisance parameters.

Advancements in computational power coupled with extensive research effort at the intersection between computer science and statistics during the past few decades have contributed to the development of techniques that deal with the automatic improvement of certain objective tasks given some data. An introduction to this family of methods, generally referred to as machine learning techniques, and a review of their usefulness for tackling some common data analysis problem in experimental particle physics, are included in Chapter 4. Some non-trivial connections between the use of those techniques and the details of the underlying statistical issues will be stressed.

The first four chapters, as outlined above, offer a multi-disciplinary survey of the theoretical and experimental foundations of our understanding of nature and the relevant techniques that allow the extract valuable information from the data. In contrast, Chapter 5 presents a complete example of an analysis at the LHC that applies those techniques to a real-world scenario. Specifically, the use case will be the search for evidence of anomalous non-resonant Higgs boson pair production using CMS data at the LHC, which can be a smoking gun pointing to alternative explanations to the current theoretical comprehension of the fundamental interactions and constituents of the universe.

The aforementioned example will be useful to epitomise the main statistical and methodological challenges on the way LHC analyses are carried out. In Chaper 6, we try to shed some light on these issues, and demonstrate how a novel machine learning technique we have developed can deal with one of the most relevant concerns: learning summary statistics using inference-aware losses that account for the effect of nuisance parameters. The limitations of the proposed method as well as alternative solutions to increase the discovery potential of the LHC will be explored.

This document will conclude with Chapter 7, where the main contributions and outcomes of this work will be summarised together with some ideas for future extensions and improvements.